Saturday, June 27, 2009


i finally completed my first new years resolution

I joind DF!!! :D

it only took me six months too...

next i want a six pack

Monday, June 22, 2009

funny pic :]

i guess he couldn't find a ruler... O_o

Saturday, June 20, 2009


so i had enough cash to join DF a couple of days ago...

then i blew it all on AFI crap like pins, patches, and posters. :\

i guess I'll have to start all over again :]

Thursday, June 18, 2009

summer resolutions

i decided to make a list of stuff i wanted to get done this summer because my new years resolutions were such a flop.

[ ] get an A in summer school
[ ] keep the damn room clean
[ ] exercize 5 times a week
[ ]read never cry wolf for summer reading
[ ] read Harry Potter 1-4
[ ] join DF
[ ] wash face every day
[ ] get some glasses
[ ] eat healthier
[ ] finish rant book
[ ] make leather jacket (ill post a picture when I'm done)

or you can follow my progress here.

& another one...

"have you noticed that if things happened differently in the past…things wouldn’t be the same right now? "
-Hannah Chan

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

- Professor Quirrel, from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

and then theres bad news...

I had a mole on my face on my right cheek sorta by my nose right? I went to the dermatologist yesterday and he said it looked suspicious so they had to remove it. I miss it... I would call it my Davey Havok mole cuz he has one on his cheek in the exact same place :]

now that theres no mole on my face, I want to get one tattooed on. good idea? :] Its weird that something that's just been normal on my face is suddenly gone. Its weird how something so small can change the way you look... maybe i'm just obsessing over it too much.

at last

School is finally over for me. It seems as if DR is the LAST place in the WORLD to get out of school. So, now I am FINALLY no longer a freshman and no longer at the bottom.

sophmores huh? ....i like the sound of that... :]

GO CLASS OF 2012!! woot

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

15 minutes

I spent about 15 minutes redoing this stupid layout. Its glitchy still.....

I need a GOOD layout for this. a one-column one. If you know where I can find one, care to hook me up?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

3 studs till death

a month or so ago I was talking about our 3 studs on a studbelt video. I spent a couple of minutes in 6th period friday and drew this picture of us. From left to right its Bree, Dominic, and me.
The reason it says till death is cuz last year the three of us made a pact to rock the world till we die. The three of us are all going to get the words "till death" tattooed on somewhere.

new years resolutions

I have my new years resolutions pinned up on my wall above my desk and I realized I haven’t kept ANY of them. Shame really, I should start on those again.
